Sunday, January 30, 2011

Menu Plan for the Week of January 31

Well, even though we have two days of dentist appointments and I have one day of after school staff development, I don’t believe this week will be nearly as crazy as the last two. We (the kids and me) are settling into a new little routine while hubby is away. We are striving to stay home for meals more. It will help us save so much money. None of the meals that I have listed this week have cost us an arm and a leg—well, maybe Thursday night. We already have a lot of these food items in our pantry or freezer (gotta love that!).

Monday: pinto beans, macaroni and cheese, cornbread
Tuesday: chicken fajitas and black beans
Wednesday: spaghetti with marinara sauce, salad or veggie, garlic bread
Thursday: eat out
Friday: pizza and salad
Saturday: cheeseburger soup and cornbread
Sunday: leftovers (most likely will be cheeseburger soup Smile)


  1. Oh yum! I can't wait to see the recipes for your fajitas and cheeseburger soup. The soup sounds like something that would go over well in our house. As for fajitas, I know what they are and the basics of how to make them, but I never do because I'm not sure about how to season them or exactly how long to cook.

  2. love your menu so many delicious items all in one week
