Sunday, May 20, 2012

Menu Plan for the Week of May 21

Okay, this is the last week of school!! No more packing lunches for two whole months!! YAY!!!
Update on the freezer/pantry challenge: we are spending WAY less at the grocery store each week and we are using up some of our freezer stockpile--just seems like we have way more food than I ever realized!!!

peanut butter banana smoothies (freezer-still haven't used them)
pumpkin baked oatmeal
eggs and turkey sausage (freezer)

turkey and cheese sandwiches
ham and cheese sandwiches
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
frozen meals
chicken noodle soup (pantry)

grilled London broil (freezer), Normandy veggies (freezer), white rice (freezer)
spinach pizza (freezer)
grilled chicken breast (freezer), spinach artichoke pasta (freezer)
shredded bbq chicken (freezer), creamed corn (freezer), baked beans
baked tilapia (freezer), quinoa (pantry), Normandy veggies (freezer)
beef and bean burritos (all ingredients in the freezer except beans)

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